Saturday, July 15, 2006

Quotes About Loss Of Father

No. 007 No. 002 No. 128

Stoned CTEs. October 11, 2005

Mr Inspector General of Legal
NOTE N ° 002 S / office
José Luis Pira DNI No. 11058046 STANDARD Secretary of the Commission "of" SAN MARTIN GENERAL SPORTS CENTRE " , Stoned city of the province of Corrientes and the undersigned, in his capacity as members of that institution, with legal representation Dr Jorge Enrique Levatti with established legal residence in Santa Fe Street No. 1151, of the city Corrientes, in proceedings images: "Sports Center General San Martín S / Irregularities - Personality No. 7, File No. 221 - 02-02-0082/05, we appear before this direction and how best to proceed in right respectfully SAY:
one-goal of this presentation
: That on August 16 of this year we submitted to that address legal person as received a note was made on 08.17.1905 under file No. 221-2990/05, on, put it clear that the partners we have the right to elect people who can think for the management and development of our institution, without prejudice to due scrutiny by law be exercised by the Directorate of Legal, but this power is discretionary and not absolute, since the courts is appropriate where continuity is at stake and the prestige of a nonprofit institution .-
was the same direction he had to appoint a commission normalized - Resolution No. 33 dated 16 May 2005 - due to the irregularities found by the authorities illegitimate status did not respect the flagrant violation. Today, the whole community can have a sports center to reach and especially for those young people who channel it through his athletic ability, and skills by participating in local, provincial and interprovincial
.- The note to which reference do we inform the former members of the standard commission Mr. Humberto de Jesus Paoletti - President - and Lionel Carlos Palacios - Treasurer - had submitted their resignations to that address., incorporated into the main actions under File No. 221 -
2-518/05 .- Faced with this situation and in order to continue with the normalization club, members have proposed their replacement assembly, election to fall on the following: ALBERTO GUELARDI ID No. 5,674,052 and No. CRISTINA CAMPODÓNICO DNI 10,379,156 as president and treasurer respectively., Having attached Minutes of meeting and list of members with their signatures .-
So Directorate of Legal, in a unilateral and arbitrary acts by Resolution N ° 94 irregular and inefficient state calls an assembly without realizing that the call for 07/31/2005 day at 9 am. He was supported by the minutes of the meeting of the standard commission, proposed and signed by Mr. Humberto Jesus Paoletti, Lionel Carlos Palacios, José Luis Pira - President, Treasurer and Secretary respectively .-
After that and in order to create an irregular situation, with unspeakable ends and not noticed by the Department of Person President and Treasurer Legal departed from what has been communicated unanimously resolved and set new time of assembly, citing the partners to the electoral act at 18:30 the same day 31.07.2005, prompting the request Executive Intervention .-
II-LEGAL STATUS OF MEMBERS: The standard commission with all of its members complied with the established in the art. 3 of Resolution No. 33 dated 16.05.2005 and has made the incorporation of members whose standard was sent to that address. To date we are entitled to participate in the electoral act, we have acquired the quality, power and length of service required by the "SOCIAL STATUS" under Articles 44 and 45 degrees for that reason we ask the Directorate of Legal Course favorable to the claims in the letter dated 16.8.2005 incorporated under File No. 221-2700/05, received as of 17.08.1905, the Directorate for naming the replacement of members who have submitted their resignations. -
This request was performed in the exercise of the legitimate right that we should be partners - to have been accepted by the standard commission and have to date with the age required by the bylaws, "in order to avoid an unnecessary and clearly unacceptable de facto situation created as false and malicious., is an extreme measure that hurts sensitivities of a social group, homogeneous, mostly linked by lasos emotional and / or family, a simple non-profit institution that only intention is to authorities have freely and legitimately constituted by those who contribute and participate from their inception in 1943, having had brilliant performances in the fas sports, artist, cultural and social, among others;
access is not petitioned above: we propose to that address the necessary means and allow the current Secretary of the standard commission Mr. JOSÉ LUIS PIRA - only existing authority - to convene a meeting under the statutory rules established for the purpose and legal provisions for the election of officers of the club, with proper management to control its worth by
.- Also
, we emphasize that our organization to further develop its activities as normal and fulfilling all its commitments. As well as I should stress that through the Sports Authority in the province have received have donated various items for various sports activities, which were inventoried. This approach has enabled young people to develop the involvement of partners sports
.- If the proposals made within a framework of legitimacy are not accepted view that we would share in the Directorate of Legal Person is responsible for making the call to assembly for the purpose of achieving the much touted COMICION DIRECTIVE, and thereafter only think of the future of our institution .-
III-RIGHT: this petition founded on the provisions current art applicable to the subject .. 11 ° inc. E) of Decree Law No. 28/000.-



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