Friday, August 28, 2009

Quotes For Lamplighting Ceremony

Here, you can find 7 free patterns for jackets, some pretty cute.
Not so free, but interestingly enough, is the new Twist Collective autumn. I like many things, but the one that is of jacket Ysolda .

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Room Heater And Side Effects


MJ long time published this tag, and invited anyone who wanted it. As I am somewhat late, I put it now:

Makeup: I do not usually carry out almost never without some makeup especially lipstick and lips. However, I do not like wearing much makeup. Above all, heavily made-up go to work does not seem appropriate.
Mask: Now I'm using the L'Oreal.

Day Cream: Soil put some moisturizer and wrinkle sometimes. Moisturizer, I like Nivea, the wrinkle'm using one of the Roche Posay.

favorite brand: I'm not a fan of none, though often bought at the Body Shop.

Perfume: I have none in particular. I like Carmen de Victorio & Lucchino and now I'm interested by some of Kenzo. Magazine

fetish In'style I recently discovered, and love it.

Desert Island: I take my family

woman I admire. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Women I admire their appearance: I love Keira Knightley. I think that without being a stunning beauty has so much style. It is very thin, like me ... and somehow I feel close in that regard.

I would have more time for me
Femininity: I think in some cases bonds of "what should be a woman." Who you please follow a few charges, it does, and who does not let it be free, and seeks above all to like herself.
... pass this tag to anyone who wants it.