Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do U Need A Mechanic License In Ontario

Bueno, más de un mes sin postear, sin muchas ganas, ni siquiera de contestar otros blogs. Montones de problemas en el trabajo, y en realidad no me puedo quejar, porque están despidiendo a mucha gente. Para colmo de males, al marío le ha tocado en un tribunal de opos, y me voy de vacaciones yo solita con los nenes, lo cual no va a ser nada relajante. En fin, éste no es mi año.
Tejiendo sí que estoy, aunque no sé qué pasa, porque me da la impresión de que no avanzo. Procuro meterme en proyectos pequeños, pero no logro terminar casi ninguno, o al menos ésa es mi impresión. Quizá sea porque no paro de empezar otros. En fin, I hope that I finish the "startitis" because he did not finish anything, I eventually overwhelms even more. I have Stole the South Pacific, far advanced in the absence of edge any more, but I've left it in half, to start other things, and I have outstanding gifts, etc. All reflect a slightly neurotic vicious circle that I have for some time now.
By the way, I have a mohair, a cute color, fuchsia, (I'll show you, I have no desire to make pictures). I started a Birch , but not entirely good, is something "rough" (nothing to do with the Kidsilk Haze actually makes the pattern). I do not know if the block is better. I'm thinking that may not be the appropriate pattern. Any suggestion, considering that at least I use a number of 5-mm needle?
Recommendation: From today until July 2, reductions in Phildar page. I really like their employers, and although my French is not no big deal, it seems that I followed more or less.