Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Meltonian Shoe Cream New Jersey
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Quarter Pusher California
Sunday, October 19, 2008
How To Get My Immunization Record Ontario

I was pretty skinny, so the new I'm doing is more plump belly. The hair was what gave me more work because it would be like for a little girl wanted to be sure that no power would drop.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Old Women 60 Years Big Boobs
put photo here (a little bad, sorry) of the finished sweater Boat:
I used the wire Bamboo English Cut, which is 60% Cotton and 40% viscose bamboo. The thread I liked it because it is slightly silky, and is pretty good at weaving. However, if I started again the jersey would not have used the same thread, because it is a bit different from what the instructions say and I had to adapt, and has been a little trouble at times. I was wrong to make the boat's center, because it should have been "negative" I've done. That is, the points in reverse, should have been the right and vice versa, but still looks good, and is seen to be a boat, so I do not have entertained it again. Here pattern.
Other temas, siguiendo la moda bloguera tejeril de este verano, me he comprado unas KnitPicks intercambiables, en Tira del Ovillo . Han sido muy rápidos, y muy amables, además, venían con un regalito de unos jaboncitos naturales muy coquetos, y una carta de Ana, encantadora. Creo que aunque haya pocas tiendas de lanas en Internet en España, somos afortunados, porque las tiendas que hay están muy bien.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Fun Wording
Pues después de mi ausencia récord hasta ahora, vuelvo a aparecer. Este verano nos hemos movido un poco más. Con el pequeño ya de 3 años y abandonados horarios estrictos, papillas, y más o menos pañales, nos da menos miedo salir.
En general I am a little disconnected from the blogging world, and I'm reading and responding shortly. Knit yeah, well, I can. I am finishing a Boat Sweater from Debbie Bliss, a pattern that came free long page for Prima magazine . I shall only point out some threads, I promise photo. By the way, have been recently the pattern of a jacket quite cute, and apparently easy.
I decided (and this time it is serious) to complete all projects that I have half, because the disorder is beginning to overwhelm. When finished all I proposed did not weave more than two at a time.
Although this post is very late, I will tell you that in July we had the first group was officially weavers of Seville, and has been a success, and there are great people (I'm the oldest: (). The group will be called not skeins, the name of which I authored, but I found something churro at first, but seems to have been accepted. The explanation for the name is the shield of Seville is the NO 8 DO (ie, not Hank). People are quite dynamic, and eager to work and we have to page here.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Octopus Ear Gauges Online
The other thing I did 2 years ago, was made with acrylic yarn and use them to walk home. Yesterday chance, I had to patch a second time. There are few patches endure.
This time I made for my husband. Not yet been released, although he must wear them while eating to extract the photos. Or complain, you love the sky!

Congrats New Pregnancy
Besides that if I find a doll pretty nice, what I love about this toy is that in all four limbs and stones carried in the ass so you can make fun positions.
As I have found no site nningún stuffed examples of how people what I did was fill out some cloth bags with rocks tots (ancient stones of the tank). Yes, I made sure embers well sewn so they will not escape a single.
With what I had was very careful with the choice of fabric color. I picked up a small piece that was loose around without realizing that it was red and could be to see, as was the case. (In the last picture looks a little: p).
For those who want to do the pattern is here

Best Fortune Investments Ltd.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How To Cite Inside Cover Of A Book
This is definitely my year of the shawls. Besides reviewing Elanne patterns, I love it , who imagine they have added recently, because I had not seen before. It seems to crochet but it's point.
On other issues, I bought the book Heartfelt Kim Hargreaves, and is very cute. I've heard is about to get two more, one in August and another in September. We decided a co-worker and I start Cherish September. So much cute, so little time!
In case anyone is interested I read and on Sunday we will make a stay in Seville. We left at 17:45 at La Raza on the side of the Park of Maria Luisa. Go to the park, let's hope it does not heat. It is good that we finally quedar un grupito.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Do U Need A Mechanic License In Ontario
Bueno, más de un mes sin postear, sin muchas ganas, ni siquiera de contestar otros blogs. Montones de problemas en el trabajo, y en realidad no me puedo quejar, porque están despidiendo a mucha gente. Para colmo de males, al marío le ha tocado en un tribunal de opos, y me voy de vacaciones yo solita con los nenes, lo cual no va a ser nada relajante. En fin, éste no es mi año.
Tejiendo sí que estoy, aunque no sé qué pasa, porque me da la impresión de que no avanzo. Procuro meterme en proyectos pequeños, pero no logro terminar casi ninguno, o al menos ésa es mi impresión. Quizá sea porque no paro de empezar otros. En fin, I hope that I finish the "startitis" because he did not finish anything, I eventually overwhelms even more. I have Stole the South Pacific, far advanced in the absence of edge any more, but I've left it in half, to start other things, and I have outstanding gifts, etc. All reflect a slightly neurotic vicious circle that I have for some time now.
By the way, I have a mohair, a cute color, fuchsia, (I'll show you, I have no desire to make pictures). I started a Birch , but not entirely good, is something "rough" (nothing to do with the Kidsilk Haze actually makes the pattern). I do not know if the block is better. I'm thinking that may not be the appropriate pattern. Any suggestion, considering that at least I use a number of 5-mm needle?
Recommendation: From today until July 2, reductions in Phildar page. I really like their employers, and although my French is not no big deal, it seems that I followed more or less.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Instructions For Circle Scarfs
Here I show the back of a complicated project, but still want to show the front. Photo colors are not very faithful in my opinion are better. The problem is that I walk, I've done 3 or 4 turns per day by the involvement of each, and my lack of time. In addition, you see, will have to finish after many strands. Anyway, I'm enjoying it, but I had no choice but to start another project more sencillito parallel to the days when I'm not so bad I think.
Tempest, which is very simple, but resultón. By the way, and soon, the new Knitty.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Best Fortune Investment Ltd.
Size: median women (long)
Note: You can adjust this pattern to any size. Measure around your foot just below your fingers (the widest point). Multiply the number of inches by the number of dots per inch the shows you've done. Removes 10% of that total. Make sure the number is divisible by 4. This will make a nice sock set. This pattern is written using 60 points around the sock, with changes for 64 points in parentheses.
Sample: 8 points per inch (2.5 cm
Using a provisional assembly, fit 30 (32) points (half the total circumference of the sock). I do my rough cut using a crochet chain as illustrated below:
Using wool remnants make a crocheted chain that has as many rings as many points as you will need. With wool to use up the sock 30 (32) points in the central thread of the chain links on the side of the back.
Round 1: Weave the right 29 (31) points. Move the working yarn to purl. Slide the last point of the needle without working left to right. Back to move the thread under the needle as to knit the right. Back to pass the point that is not a tissue to the left needle. Turn the work.
Round 2: Now the thread is to purl and we as a point on the right needle. Purl the rest of the points except the last. You can see how the first point (which is not tissue) has been surrounded by (or wrapped) by the thread. When is a single point on the needle left work to move the thread to weave the right. Slide the last point. Back to move the thread under the needle as to purl. Back to happen without working point to the left needle and turn the work.
3rd round: Knit the right until the left needle are 2 points, the latter is involved and the penultimate is that we're going to wrap now. To do this, proceed as in row 1: Move the thread, slide the wire back about your site and return to slide the needle point to the left. Turn the work.
4 th row: Purl until they are 2 points. Working as in round 2: Move the thread, slip the point, return the thread to your site and return to slide the needle point to the left. Turn the work.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 each time leaving a point on the left needle without knitting.
Repeat until 8 (9) points are involved with the toe of the left side, 14 (14) points remain "alive" in the center and 8 (9) points are involved right. At this point, you should be ready to work right row of the work. Already done half of your toe.
Note: The number of points to leave without working in the medium depends on how wide you want it the toe. If you want to be a bit wider, do a couple fewer short rows. If you want a little more closely, make a couple more short rows.
Now you must work the second half of the toe:
Round 1: Knit the right 29 (31) points. Move the working yarn to purl. Slide the last point of the needle without working left to right. Back to move the thread under the needle as to knit the right. Back to pass the point that is not a tissue to the left needle. Turn the work.
Wrap the next stitch (now this will have two wraps): move the thread, slip the point, move the thread again and again to slip the point across. Turn the work.
Round 2: Reverse Weave to first wrapped stitch without working. Lift the wrap and knit it together with the point. Wrap the next point and spin.
In subsequent rounds need to lift the two wraps and weaving of the right or upside down with the point.
Continue until you have worked all the points and again have 30 (32) points "alive."
When all 30 (32) points are again "live", divide these points on 2 needles.
Undo your rough cut and divided these 30 (32) points in other 2 needles. In your first turn, should raise 1 or 2 extra points between the points "live" and the points you had to cover up the mounting holes that may exist. In the next round remember to decrease again have 15 (16) points per needle.
Note: Insert the needle tip at the point you had woven into the rough cut before undoing the chain. This will make it much easier to lift the rings of the points. Normally I put the needle through four or five rings at once, get rid the chain, inserted within 4 or 5 rings, undone, until you rid the entire chain. When you rid the provisional assembly, you should have one point less than the total of those who got up and wove. You can create that extra lift at the end of the ring between the last point created with the rough cut and the first point "alive."
now have a total of 60 (64) points.
works round until the sock is
Past short heel
Round 1: Weaving the right 29 (31) points . Move the working yarn to work backwards. Slide the last point of the needle without working left to right. Turn the work.
Round 2: Now the thread is to purl and we as a point on the right needle. Purl the rest of the points except the last. You can see how the first point (which is not tissue) has been surrounded by (or wrapped) by the thread. When is a single point on the left needle to move the working yarn to knit the right. Slide the last point. Volvel to move the thread under the needle as to purl. Back to happen without working point to the left needle and turn the work.
3rd round: Now the thread is to purl and we as a point on the right needle. Purl the rest points except the last. You can see how the first point (which is not tissue) has been surrounded by (or wrapped) by the thread. When is a single point on the left needle to move the working yarn to knit the right. Slide the last point. Back to move the thread under the needle as to purl. Back to happen without working point to the left needle and turn the work.
4 th round: Purl until they are 2 points. Working as in round 2: Move the thread, slip the point, return the thread to your site and return to slide the needle point to the left. Turn the work.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 each time leaving a point on the left needle without knitting.
Repeat until 8 (9) points are involved with the toe of the left side, 14 (14) points remain "alive" in the center and 8 (9) points are involved right. At this point, you should be ready to work right row of the work. Already done half of your toe.
Note: The number of points to leave without working in the medium depends on how wide want to be the toe. If you want to be a bit wider, do a couple fewer short rows. If you want a little more closely, make a couple more short rows.
now worked the second part of the heel:
Round 1: Weaving of Law 29 (31) points. Move the working yarn to purl. Slide the last point of the needle without working left to right. Back to displace the thread under the needle as to knit the right. Back to pass the point that is not a tissue to the left needle. Turn the work.
Wrap the next stitch (now this will have two wraps) and turn the work.
Round 2: Reverse Weave to first wrapped stitch without working. Lift the wrap and knit it together with the point. Wrap the next point and spin.
In subsequent rounds need to lift the two wraps and weaving of the right or upside down with the point.
Continue until you have worked all the points and again have 30 (32) points "alive."
When you live all the points again, split the points as you did with the toe. In the first round, again, should raise 1 or 2 extra points between bright points and the points for the upper left to plug the holes there. In the next round remember to decrease these points, and get back 15 (16) points per needle.
Work until the leg is the desired length to below the elastic. Work elastic to the desired height.
Note: People with wide feet and / or strong legs you can find it difficult to remove and put on socks. I sometimes when I start increasing the elastic points. If I start with 15 points per needle increased to 16 points for needle and elastic I 4r 4d. If I start with 16 points per needle increased to 18 points 3rd needle and I 3d. As you can see, is not an exact science. You can try to get what you like. FIN
This rewriting the pattern I have entered the bug and now I bought a wool to start it socks my husband in remaining next Saturday: P. Of course, this time is good wool. The others who did as they were the first and thought they would be badly made with acrylic yarn and dyed with two different (it seemed he was not going to notice, but it shows a lot).
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Recovering Combinations From Brinks

I especially like the teddy the cover. Costs 8 € and I think it's too expensive to come "36" patterns. In the fashion magazines are more and do not cost much. Also one thing that has made me pretty bad is that the same doll (so, the same pattern) will change the type of wool and they have four times (this only happens once.) There are also two or three patterns with small variations.
But now I will not do either, at first I would like to finish the three projects I have started:
1) A crochet doll I think I started a couple of years:

The copy of a I saw online that was very cool, not like this .... The truth is I do not like anything, but since I have started I will finish. Since I only need to take away his hat and embroider the face.
2) A chair that jersey and I only need to sew the zipper:

is the first time I make a drawing with jacquard and has been more complicated than I expected. I had to do and uncoupling several times and still do not like how it looks. Or the strings were too loose or is the color of thread behind (on top of reindeer can see the gray streaks: p).
3) And finally the cat just started Japanese. I wear it well:

I have it stopped because I have to go to the store room to a bag of pebbles that I have. These stones are put in the lower body, feet and hands and have weight and can be put in positions very nice.
When I finish looks something like this: